A Warning - Mind Warp ahead This blog serves as in intermediary blog - a place where my ideas go to stew and mature (and sometimes die). For a more distilled reading of business and technical content please visit my company blog at http://marlindigitalagency.com

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Brave New World - Far more social than I ever imagined

One of the most interesting things about the times I live in is watching our media change from simple one way communication from a handful of sources to a complex array of networks generated not only by traditional content distributers, but by our friends and family as well. A flashy ad in a newspaper fails to sell you something because of a passing negative comment by your uncle on Facebook. Part of my job is to make sure companies have the tools they need to analyze this new medium and provide real time "just in time" marketing to their products and services.

A big part of why I like the work I do is because of it's tendency to foster better transparency and communications between companies and individuals. In order for trust to be restored communication between customers and companies must flow unhindered in both directions. I believe that the customer's ability to share their experiences with other companies cheaply and easily will result in a more honest marketplace.

I would love to hear your ideas as we explore this Brave New World together - I plan to be covering a wide variety of topics from open source software to social media platforms and all the other tools we use at Marlin Digital to help companies compete in a new Marketscape.

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I help people relate to other people better :) Preferring harmony over conflict I have been helping people relate better with one another since I was a kiddo.